In-person services are being held on Sundays at 10:30 am. In accordance with the latest state guidelines, face coverings are required, but in order to continue to protect the health of our church and community, we are still taking the following precautions...
- There are hand-sanitizer stations in the lobby.
- Instead of passing offering plates, locked offering boxes have been installed next to all of the doors in the Worship Center along with one near the Information Center. As always, online and giving by mail options are also available.
- All materials in the pews (hymnals, Bibles, envelopes, etc.) have been removed until all restrictions are lifted.
- The most vulnerable to illness (elderly, health-compromised, etc.) are encouraged to stay home and join us via livestream until restrictions are no longer needed.
- Anyone with symptoms of illness should stay home and join us via livestream.